Humor Strategies
Humor That Will Guarantee NOT to Blow Up Your Speech!
One afternoon a few weeks ago, I walked into my local whole foods store to pick up some organic fruits and vegetables that I was going to use for dinner that night.
One afternoon a few weeks ago, I walked into my local whole foods store to pick up some organic fruits and vegetables that I was going to use for dinner that night.
The Size of Your Speech Does Not Matter. If you ever have to give a presentation, whether it is for 60 seconds or 60 minutes, you need to make your message stick.
Humor is essential to every speaker. Speakers who don’t use humor in their presentations will eventually have trouble connecting with their audience and for that matter, will probably not get hired very much.
On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your “fear” level when it comes to public speaking? If it is anything above a 3 (as it was for me) then read on.